The Wiley-Blackwell companion to practical theology / edited by Bonnie J. Miller-McLemore.
Material type:
- text
- computer
- online resource
- 9781444345742
- 1444345745
- 9781444330823
- 1444330829
- 9781444345742
- 1444345710
- 9781444345711
- 9781118384350
- 1118384350
- 1444345729
- 9781444345728
- 1444345737
- 9781444345735
- 9781283283205
- 1283283204
- Companion to practical theology
- 230.01 23
- BV3 .W53 2012eb
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Front Matter -- Introduction: The Contributions of Practical Theology / Bonnie J Miller-McLemore -- Way of Life: Shaping Faith among Believers in Home and Society. Suffering / Pamela Cooper-White -- Healing / Susan J Dunlap -- Playing / Jaco Hamman -- Eating / Dorothy C Bass -- Loving / Herbert Anderson -- Consuming / Katherine Turpin -- Blessing / Christian Scharen -- Method: Studying Theology in Practice in Library and Field. Case Study Method / Daniel S Schipani -- Psychological Theory / Lee H Butler -- Hermeneutical Theory / Sally A Brown -- Quantitative Method / Hans Schilderman -- Congregational Studies / James R Nieman -- Ritual Theory / Edward Foley -- Social Policy / Pamela D Couture -- The Use of Scripture / Paul Ballard -- Poetics / Heather Walton -- Emancipatory Theory and Method / Nancy J Ramsay -- Feminist Theory / Elaine Graham -- Womanist Theory / Evelyn L Parker -- Narrative Approaches / R Ruard Ganzevoort -- Ethnography / Mary Clark Moschella -- Participatory Action Research / Elizabeth Conde-Frazier -- Theories of Practice / Ted A Smith -- Action Theories / Robert Mager -- Curriculum: Educating for Ministry and Faith in Classroom, Congregation, and Community. Pastoral Care / Barbara McClure -- Homiletics / John S McClure -- Worship / Don E Saliers -- Religious Education / Carol Lakey Hess -- Religious Leadership / Michael Jinkins -- Evangelism / Jeffery L Tribble -- Spirituality / Claire E Wolfteich -- Ethics / Miguel A De La Torre -- Contextual Education / Emily Click -- Systematic Theology / Mary McClintock Fulkerson -- Historical Theology / James M Brandt -- Biblical Theology / Michael Joseph Brown -- Integration in Theological Education / Kathleen A Cahalan -- Discipline: Defining History and Context in Guild and Global Setting. Race and Racism / Dale P Andrews -- Gender, Sexism, and Heterosexism / Jeanne Hoeft -- Globalization, Colonialism, and Postcolonialism / Melinda McGarrah Sharp -- Economics, Class, and Classism / Joyce Ann Mercer -- Disability, Ableism, and Disablism / John Swinton -- Religious Pluralism and Christian-Centrism / Kathleen J Greider -- Continental Europe / Friedrich Schweitzer -- Britain / Zo︠ Bennett -- French Canada / Solange Lefebvre -- The United States / Richard R Osmer -- South Africa / Jaco S Dreyer -- West Africa / Daisy N Nwachuku -- Brazil / Valburga Schmiedt Streck -- South Korea / Meerha Hahn -- Australia and Oceania / Gerard V Hall -- Mainline Protestantism / Gordon S Mikoski -- Roman Catholicism / Lynn Bridgers -- Protestant Evangelicalism / Charles J Scalise -- Pentecostalism / Mark J Cartledge -- Index of Names -- Index of Subjects.
Print version record.
John Wiley and Sons John Wiley WCP
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