V. uluslararası sivil toplum kuruluşları kongresi, bildiriler kitabı, küresel barış 24-26 Ekim Çanakkale = V. international non-governmental organizations conference, proceedings, global peace [electronic resource] / ed. Ali Akdemir ... [ve öte.]
Material type:
- 9789758100965
- Sosyoloji
- Sociology
- Sivil toplum örgütleri -- Kongreler
- Non-governmental organizations -- Congresses
- Sivil toplum -- Kongreler
- Civil society -- Congresses
- Yoksulluk
- Poverty
- Ekonomik kalkınma -- Kongreler
- Economic development -- Congresses
- Küreselleşme -- Kongreler
- Globalization -- Congresses
- POLITICAL SCIENCE / NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations)
- 366 ULU 2008
- JZ4841 .U48 2008
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